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welcome to causetree©
a new way to develop 3D applications
what is causetree?
causetree is a modular system for 3D games and other 3D applications. Applications are built by drag'n dropping and connecting visual representations of the individual kit components and scripts as simple as possible.
what is causetree not?
causetree is not a 3D modeler! In addition to being able to create or otherwise modify data such as 3D objects, causetree© is intended to import basic data for geometry, sound, images, textures, terrain etc. from other programs. causetree will not make a clear distinction, but it should not compete with programs that specialize in it. However, it should be possible to use a special 3D modeler or e.g. to create a terrain editor with causetree.
why causetree?
There are certainly a lot of opportunities to develop 3D applications today. However, causetree has a special position in my opinion. On the one hand, there are many ways to write 3D applications using programming languages, just as causetree is also written in Java, and with modern development techniques it is much easier to build using drag'n'drop and scripts. On the other hand, there are very good 3D modeller, with which you can develop today 3D applications such as games. causetree puts the focus on entry-level friendliness without losing the professional aspect.
for whom is causetree?
causetree is intended to introduce those interested in the 3D techniques, without slapping the complexity of this topic. Essential components of causetree are the template projects and tutorials that gradually pick up and explain the individual topics of 3D technology. This makes it a good start, especially for students, students or other interested parties. A little experience with scripting languages is certainly an advantage but not a requirement. By using a process editor, it will usually be simple, small and easy to understand scripts.
what will causetree cost ?
The causetree application, like a 'Player', will always be free.
You can play any game or other project that has been developed with the caustree editor, unless it is limited by a license (from version 2.0)!

The causetree editor will cost 199€ for version 1.0!

(causetree editor Version 1.0 will hopefully be ready in January 2021)
Until then there will be a free pre alpha version under download!
sample application
sample root tree in the causetree editor
On the image you can see a sample tree as it is designed with dragn'drop in the editor. You can see elements and their connections with other elements which then give a tree structure. Most elements have configuration data that they can be controlled by workflows (see below). Or they generate events which in turn are processed in workflow.
On this picture you can see the result of a built tree in the application. Remember that the application is not frozen like a picture because you can move and interact with the world. This tree is not really an example, rather my own test application with the most important active elements and hardly shows the possibilities. Because what they ultimately see is more dependent on your data than on causetree. causetree bakes everything together. There will always be better examples as the project progresses.

This image shows is a sample worklow in the editor. Workflows process events and generate commands to breathe life into an otherwise stale 3D world.

what has been implemented so far?
After the first prototype, I developed the editor almost completely and the application completely new. I have been working for a long time on the necessary communication of these two parts of the program, so unfortunately I have not had time yet to finish a small example in the form of a world editor, as this represents the interaction of all parts quite well. However, I will try almost daily to comment on the latest development of causetree here and you can discuss it in the forum.
what should be possible with the first version (1.0)?
Apart from the already mentioned world editor, a simple arena shooter should be available as a template that can be changed or expanded as desired. Yes, multiplayer should also be possible, since causetree can basically be controlled via HTTP requests. After that, a simple RPG and a simple round strategy game should exist as templates. Of course, templates for non-game applications such as representations of mathematical calculations or industrial applications should be available soon.
can causetree projects be exchanged?
Of course! A causetree community will be set up in which projects can be made available. As of version 2.0, a rights system protected projects or extensions should be traded.
which scripting languages are supported?
JavaScript and Groovy are currently supported. Python is in development. If desired by many others can be added. Script modules can be developed within a workflow with different scripting languages. This facilitates the exchange.
More about the techniques used on the download page.
will there be web interfaces or an API?
Up to version 2.0 all elements and workflows can be controlled or read via an HTTP-REST interface (more in the documentation). As of version 2.0, rights can then be set that prevent intervention in an application where it is not desired. Otherwise, web services modules can also be used in the workflows for two-way communication. Again, the wishes of causetree community are taken into account. All other options, including special customer requests, can certainly be taken into account.
causetree© is a project of perzeption Arvid Größer

causetree is a registered trademark of perzeption Arvid Größer 2010
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